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General Assembly
Saturday, October 05, 2024, 12:30- 13:30 PhD Dissertation Room, Aula Magna, Lisbon, Portugal.

Agenda: Download and view the agenda

Dear colleagues,

As you may know  this year we elect the Executive Committee for the coming 2 years , according to the statutes :

“Every two years the GA shall elect two deputies (First and Second Vice- Presidents), a Secretary-General, a Treasurer, a Director of Communication, and a Director without portfolio, to constitute the EC. These shall be elected for a period of two years. Any officer may seek re-election after a two-year term, but no member shall serve for more than six years except in exceptional circumstances, and as agreed by the General Assembly.”

Nominations can only be done by member associations who have paid their annual dues until 31 July 2024.

This year  the GA will be held during the ICAM at Lisbon on 5 October.

Candidates must accept their nominations for one (or more) positions and deliver a personal statement for publication on the ESAM website. The nominations must be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before 24 August 2024, and the publication of the candidates list will happen on the website

Elections will be held between 16 - 30 September via an electronic voting system as former years, and the results will be announced at the GA. We need to have one person’s e-mail who will be voting for each association. We will use the names from our contact list. If you have any special information about your association’s contact e-mail adress please inform us.

Many thanks and hoping to see you at the ICAM in Lisbon,

Lilla Ungváry
Chair of the ESAM Nomination Committee


International Congress of Aerospace Medicine 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
Early Bird Registration Rates End 31 July 2024

Discounted Early Bird registration rates for the ICAM 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal, will end 31 July 2024. ICAM 2024 is planned to be an excellent educational activity offered in one of the world's most beautiful cities, Lisbon, Portugal.

The scientific program will offer presentations on many aerospace medicine topics, including a commercial space flight symposium, human factors and performance, travel medicine, human protection in extreme environments, a space physiology workshop, a military aerospace medicine symposium, a European Aviation Safety Agency Research Activities panel, an aviation physiology panel, Joint Portugal-Brazil sessions, a space medicine panel, and several clinical aviation medicine panels on mental health, cardiology, and other clinical aviation medicine topics.

Go to to learn more about this exciting Aerospace Medicine Congress.

Register for the ICAM 2024 at

Dear Colleagues,

Let me take advantage of the approaching 2024 Summer Holidays to wish you a relaxing and enjoyfull time.

Since my last news letter the Executive Committee and Advisory Board met in June 2023 in Lisbon, in December 2023 and March 2024 at Eurocontrol, Brussels.

AS you are aware, this is the final phase of my presidency and I look forward to having Jochen take the lead for the next term commencing in Lisbon at the ICAM. There we will have the completion of the election of the New EC which will take over from the existing Officers. I hope that your associations will consider nominating people to act on the EC for the coming term of office.

The most recent ESAM Executive Committee met in Cologne, April 2024 and we wish to thank the EASA Medical Team colleague’s fir their outstanding support in providing the venue at EASA Headquarters.

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Register for ICAM24 Lisbon 3-5 October and take advantage of the early bird rate until July 31st.

Access to the scientific programme, luncheons, coffee breaks and welcome reception included.


All times are in UTC/GMT (UK time)
Note: The start time is 09:00 in US Eastern Standard Time.


  • 14.00 – 14.10 Welcome from Prof. David Gradwell, MBChB, PhD, President, IAASM and Dr. Robert Orford, MD, CM, MS, MPH, Moderator


  • 14.10 – 14.35 Safety and Effectiveness Assessment of Ultraviolet-C Disinfection in Aircraft Cabins

by Kris Belland, DO, MPH, MBA, MSS
CEO, Aerospace Medicine Strategic Consultation, PLLC

  • 14.35 – 15.00 Artificial intelligence in Space Medicine

by David Musson, MD, PhD
CEO, Lunar Medical, Inc.

  • 15.00 – 15.25 Neuroscience Applications for Human Performance Enhancement in Flight

by Gianluca Borghini PhD
Assistant Professor, Sapienza University of Rome

  • 15.25 – 15.50 Missions, Suits, and Stations – Advancements in Human Spaceflight from a Commercial Space Company

by Michael Harrison, MD PhD MPH
CMO, Axiom Space, Inc.


15.50 – 16.00
by Dr. Robert Orford

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Link to the survey

EUSurvey - Survey (

Objective of this request

I am writing to you to request your support in distributing a survey to gather insights on factors influencing career choices in aviation. It can be distributed within your organisation/ company, amongst your network, students, professors, groups, or associations connected with you.


The survey has been translated into as many languages as possible. If you go to the tab on the top right-hand side where it says English (language by default), you can scroll and pick one of the languages that the survey has been translated into.  A few that do not appear will be coming in the next few days.


The survey is an integral part of EUROCAE's working group 125 proceedings. It is working on the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP), framed as a sustainability goal for the organisation.

Recap, EUROCAE's Working Group WG125,

Working Group WG125 co-chaired by EASA's Antonio Gonzalez-Gomez, launched an initiative in January 2023 to address the potential shortage of aviation professionals in the European aviation system. Within WG125, the "connectors" subgroup is led by Catherine Bichara, an EASA external expert. “Connectors” is dedicated to bridging the gap in sharing information between educational institutions and industry, particularly in preparing and communicating the needs for future aviation skills.

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Dear President, Officers of the Association and members,

Further to the announcement provided in the requestion for nominations to the office of President-Elect, I wish to invite you to attend the 17th General Assembly of ESAM. The meeting will be held virtually using the Zoom Platform.

The General Assembly will commence at 14:00 UTC and is planned for two hours.

A draft Agenda will be shared in the coming weeks. You are invited to submit items for inclusion in the Agenda.

I look forward to being with you, even if virtual, on Sunday 5th November 2023 at 14:00 UTC

Topic: ESAM 17th General Assembly
Time: Nov 5, 2023 02:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 884 7264 8991
Passcode: 615942


ESAM, the representatives of EASA-MeSafe project and EPPSI have supported the Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Moldova in the organization of the Workshop on Mental Fitness of Aviation Personnel. This event was held on September 28-30, 2023, in Chisinau, Moldova.

The event united in Chisinau more than 60 specialists in aviation and aviation medicine (AMEs, medical assessors, psychologists, operational managers) from different states: Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Netherlands, Norway, Belgium and Ireland. Participants shared the methods of assessment, treatment and safety management of the mental health conditions of the aviation personnel in order to ensure flight safety.

Experts from EASA-MeSafe Project presented data of the research that was done so far in diagnosis, treatment of mental health conditions which can pose a risk for aviation safety and would consequently lead to pilots’ and Air Traffic Control Officers’ unfitness.

Also, special attention was given to Peer Support Programs dedicated to civil aviation personnel from various countries.

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Dear Presidents of the Member Associations of ESAM, 

The Nomination Committee (Vincent Feuillie, Francisco Tejada and Lilla Ungvary) are making the preliminary arrangements for the election of the President-Elect at the General Assembly in 2023.

If you would like to make a nomination for the Office, please be so kind to submit the nomination of your organisation by the 24th September 2023, in accordance with the Statutes.

· Your nomination should include the candidate’s name name and their experience in ESAM.  For example; EC member position, Advisory Board Committe positions, or auditors.

· The nomination should include a Curriculum Vitae and Mission Statement in English.

· These should be emailed to the Chair of the Nomination Committee, at the email address shown below.

· Please request a delivery and read receipt for your email.

The election shall take place at the time of the Online and the results published at the GA on Sunday 5th November 2023 at 15:00 UTC.

Best regards,
Dr Lilla Ungvary
Chair, ESAM - Nomination Committee
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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