17th General Assembly of ESAM on Nov 5th 2023

Dear President, Officers of the Association and members,

Further to the announcement provided in the requestion for nominations to the office of President-Elect, I wish to invite you to attend the 17th General Assembly of ESAM. The meeting will be held virtually using the Zoom Platform.

The General Assembly will commence at 14:00 UTC and is planned for two hours.

A draft Agenda will be shared in the coming weeks. You are invited to submit items for inclusion in the Agenda.

I look forward to being with you, even if virtual, on Sunday 5th November 2023 at 14:00 UTC

Topic: ESAM 17th General Assembly
Time: Nov 5, 2023 02:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88472648991?pwd=xmzzFmBKlcefw5Rh8vFNBMu0JDW1gV.1
Meeting ID: 884 7264 8991
Passcode: 615942
