ESAM EC Meeting 26th June 2020, 14:00 CEST

Anthony Wagstaff
Elena Cataman
Declan Maher
Ries Simons
Claudia Stern
Felix Strollo
Francisco Tejada
Olga Verba
Roland Vermeiren

Anthony welcomed all and opened the meeting. He extended our good wishes to Jan who was sitting his Final Medical Exams today. That is a time that none of us has forgotten!

1. Agenda
The Agenda was accepted.

2. Minutes
The Minutes of the last EC meeting were considered and generally approved. Any further comment should be forwarded Anthony.

3. Mental Health for Aircrew.
Ries presented a summary of recent EPPSI Board Meeting emphasising the economic impact on Aircrew, Aviation, relatives as for the general population. Prof Rob Bor called a meeting of EAAP, ECA and ESAM. A zoom meeting was held to develop a Statement of Concern to stimulate AMEs to increase their vigilance for matters of mental health and to direct them to avail of PSP. To ask AOCs to be humane in their management staff, cognisant of Flight Safety and-well-being. EPPSI will co-ordinate the response and send it to the NAAs. A number of ESAM members were in this group and it has the support of Anthony and the EC.

Paco spoke of the management protocol that they developed for post Covid-19 survivors. Olivier has shared an algorhythm with the ABC populating a database of Covid-19 survivors and building a comprehensive resource of the nature and scale of sequelae. The data is anonymised and compliant with GDPR.

ACTION: Ries will summarise and distribute the above for comment.

4. Founding of the ESAM Academy.
Claudia gave a summary of the founding of the Academy which was completed earlier today on Zoom call of the founding members. The Statutes were discussed and adopted. It will be registered in Norway. The board of six was elected by being proposed and elected unanimously. Membership is open to individuals at an annual fee of €10. The Board members are: Claudia Stern (Chair); Anthony Wagstaff (as President of ESAM); Elena Cataman; Felix Strollo; Ries Simons (Vice-Chair) and Roland Vermeiren. The date of foundation is 26th June 2020. It was noted that this is a visible sign that ESAM is making a difference. Moldova will be the first client for an on-line training course for Class ATCO AMEs.

ACTION: Claudia will contact Seppe regarding the Academy logo.

5. Financial Report.
Annual fees from 17 members have been received to date. The early bird deadline is approaching fast. There has been a steady decreased in association society member numbers from 2,291 in 2013 to 1,923 in 2019. Financial status is stable. Consideratioin of using Paypal in future will be done by Jochen.

6. ABC Report.
Ries spoke of the Circle of Experts Working Groups and how they are starting up their activities. He spoke of the article the he and René had published on the examination of the older pilot. He will circulate the link to all.

7. Call to the General Assembly.
The Invitation and Agenda has been sent to all Members.

8. ICAM 2021
The next ICAM Zoom meeting is on 2nd September. The planned meeting in 2021 retains all three meeting rooms, but has removed lunches and the Academy dinner (now being funded directly by the Academicians). All abstracts have been returned to authors and there will be a new call for papers. Most early bird payments have remained for use next year. A final decision is planned for late 2020 for a go no-go call.

9. ICAM 2023
IAASM and AsMA have expressed interest in working with ESAM on this project. We will hold posting a letter seeking expressions of interest until late 2020. Anthony will email the Members advising of this.

10 AOB.
· EAAP are planning webinars at the end of September including a PSP workshop.
· Consider an ESAM webinar for 23/24 September when the ICAM would have been held. The ESAM Academy will be invited to address this.
· The new Chevalier will be considered in 2021 to align with the ECAM.
· AsMA will be seeking nominations to the Slate of Officers. Roland asked for people to think about going for office.
· Goran to look at the practicalities of an electronic vote.

11. Next meeting.
28th August 2020. Zoom. 14:30-17:00 CEST
ESAM Academy meeting: 12:30-14:00 CEST