President Elect Nomination

There is one nominee for the post of President elect:

Dr. Anthony S. Wagstaff has been active in the field of Aviation Medicine for over 20 years, both in Clinical Aviation Medicine, Research and Teaching, as well as a Civilian and Military advisor.
After studying medicine at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, he trained as an occupational health physician. He obtained a Diploma of Aviation Medicine from the Royal College of Physicians of London in 1997, and received his PhD from the University of Oslo in 2001. He also holds a Master of Business Administration from ESCP/EAP European School of Management in Paris. He completed the Norwegian Defense College (NONDC) in 2013.

He is currently Director of the Norwegian Institute of Aviation Medicine, which has both civilian and military roles, and Head of Aviation Medicine for the Norwegian Armed Forces. He is also Associate Professor, University of Oslo. His research interests include the special senses, noise and vibration, muscular-skeletal problems, and fatigue. He has over 70 international publications, and is a reviewer for several journals.

Dr. Wagstaff is Vice President, European Society of Aerospace Medicine, a Fellow of Aerospace Medical Association, and an Academician and Selector of the International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine. He is chairman of the specialty committee of Occupational Medicine, Norwegian Medical Association