ESAM is inviting you to taste the European flavors during our ESAM Lunchtime Meeting at AsMA!
Read more ...A joint meeting of the European Society of Aerospace Medicine, Aerospace Medical Association, the Czech Institute of Aviation Medicine and the Czech Association of Aviation Medicine
Prague, The Czech Republic 20 to 23 September 2018
Read moreThe Advisory Board of the European Society of Aerospace Medicine (ESAM) was asked to produce some guidance material to enable physicians, and aviation medical advisers to obtain the best advice concerning the use of both prescribed and non–prescribed (over-the-counter) medication.
The guidance material is designed to highlight basic principles and to emphasize ‘golden rules’ which are recommended to be observed.
The objective of this paper is to produce guidance for General Medical Practitioners, Consultant Specialists and Aeromedical Examiners (AMEs) who are dealing with medical problems occurring in commercial, military, civilian (private) pilots or Air Traffic Controllers and to assist them with the management of medication use. This is not for therapeutic reasons but to enhance the understanding of the potential risks to the safe operation of aviation and accidents in professional or private flying activities, which may occur with the use of medication.
A joint meeting of the European Society of Aerospace Medicine, Aerospace Medical Association, the Czech Institute of Aviation Medicine and the Czech Association of Aviation Medicine
Prague, The Czech Republic 20 to 23 September 2018
Read moreESAM was one of 5 organisations in Aerospace medicine joining in a letter expressing our concerns with the paper titled “AEROTOXIC SYNDROME: A NEW OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE?” published in the June 2017 issue of Public Health Panorama.
Dear ESAM constituent organisations and fellow colleagues of Aerospace medicine in Europe,
As we are near the end of 2017, it is my pleasure to wish you all a Peaceful and enjoyable Christmas time. 2017 has been a year of learning from the success from the Oslo Conference in 2016 and planning for the congress in Prague In 2018. The theme of the Prague Congress will be “trust and care in Aviation Safety” - a theme that is both fitting and timely, as It points toward the role of our profession in supporting those who fly so that they may fly safe and fly well. In these times our role is under discussion, and it is imperative that we are in the center of bringing ideas forward in order to influence developments to the best for flight safety and the professional values we represent.
Read more ...The current President of ESAM, Dr. Anthony S. Wagstaff, member of the Norwegian Association of Aviation Medicine, was elected as President-Elect. He accepted the new mandate and will continue to serve as President until 2020.
ESAM and EASA worked together to develop a guidance material for AME in order to explain the working relations of an AME involved in performing aero-medical assessments in the European aero-medical environment. The leaflet is expected to have as a result a more efficient working environment for AMEs in relation to the applicants on one hand and the competent authorities on the other hand. Additionally, we aim to support the implementation of a trust relationship and just culture in the AMEs working relations.
Dear members of ESAM, Please find attached an invitation to the ESAM GA, December 16th, Dublin, Ireland. As the formal election of President-Elect will be performed online in accordance with the statutes, there is no need to attend the GA in order to cast a vote.
Please inform us if you will be attending the GA, to make sure we have space at the venue. Travel information from Dublin Airport is on page 2 of the agenda.
ESAM GA Dublin 2017.pdfDear ESAM Members,
The nomination period for the president elect has ended on 1st of November. The Nomination Committee has received only one nomination for this position. The nominated candidate is Dr. Anthony S. Wagstaff. He accepted the nomination and agreed to candidate for the position of President Elect.
You may find Dr. Wagstaff's CV and list of publications below.
A joint meeting of the European Society of Aerospace Medicine, Aerospace Medical Association, the Czech Aeronautical Institute and the Czech Association of Aviation Medicine Prague, The Czech Republic 20 to 23 September 2018.
Read moreDr. Anthony Wagstaff, the President of ESAM, is a guest speaker (Patterson Trust Speaker) at this conference.
For more details please consult the conference web-site at:
Or the website of tThe Australasian Society of Aerospace Medicine at: