EC Planning meeting Furstenfeldbruck
It's been quiet on this blog for a while so it is time for an update. The EC, together with ex-EC members, and some who have been involved since the birth of ESAM, met for the weekend of the 9th and 10th of February at the Furstenfeldbruck base of the German airforce, near Munich. The meeting was very well attended, representing both old and new in ESAM's development.
We were sad that Patricia Jung, our Director of Communication, was unable to join us at the last moment because of illness. We all wish her a speedy recovery. We were very grateful to our Treasurer Carla Ledderhos for her meticulous organisation of the whole weekend, and to her Commanding Officer for allowing the use of the facilities, including accommodation, on the base.
We worked hard over the weekend, but did allow ourselves the luxury of time to reflect on the past six years, the lessons to be learned, and chart a course for the next few years.
We agreed that four years, which would bring us to ESAM'S 10th birthday was a realistic timescale.
The more detailed outcome will be reflected in the EC minutes, but some guiding principles emerged.
Flight safety is our goal and science is our tool.
ESAM should identify itself clearly, to avoid confusion with EASA.
The Advisory Board is the powerhouse of ESAM and needs to be strengthened, and developed.
We must make our General Assembly and ECAM attractive, affordable, and accessible to our members.
Communication with our member societies is an imperative, and we should reach out beyond this to their individual members.
We acknowledge the complexity of the scientific, political and financial environment in which we function.
We must live within our means, act prudently, and account for our expenditure in more detail to our members.
And a final personal reflection. I must commend the energy, enthusiasm and commitment of all those who, have and continue to, give their time and expertise to this growing organisation. I am proud to be part of it.
But, before you have to wipe the tears from your eyes! I will move on.
My weekend included the opportunity to navigate through the German Banking and legal system with appointments on Friday, and Monday. I am grateful to Claudia Stern, and again to Carla Ledderhos for their invaluable assistance with this. And not to forget Declan Maher, our Secretary General and my 'wing-man' for his diligence in preparing, and arranging the translation of, the various documents for the notary and German Court.
And a few final words. I would hate you to think we are dull and boring. We all enjoyed each others company in the evenings at various typical local restaurants. Claudia enjoyed the opportunity to throw snowballs at our past President! I can assure you that any photographs you may be shown of my dessert on Saturday evening are proof that the camera can, indeed, lie! ........back on the diet next week!