Fly safe Fly well
A summary of Fly safe Fly well has been posted onto the website by our webmaster because I was having technical difficulties with my blog. These are now resolved.
The EC finalised our thoughts and plans for the project at our meeting in Malta in February. We are grateful to Dr Alfred Bonnici for his assistance in arranging the meeting, and to him, and his wife Elda, for their generous hospitality during our stay.
The project will shape the content of ECAM 2014, in Bucharest, and we look forward to meeting both old and new friends at the congress.
It promises to be a great meeting, where delegates will have the opportunity to contribute to 'Fly safe, Fly well'.
The details of ECAM 2014 are on the site, and registration will go live within a day or so of this blog.
The EC is very grateful for the assistance of Lilla Ungvary, our past Director of Communications, for volunteering to help with our communications for the congress and project.
A small reminder that elections to the EC will be held at the General Assembly in Bucharest, so please give some thoughts to nominating a candidate from your society. A formal request from the Chair of the Nominations Committee will follow soon.