The first blog of 2012

A new year has it is time for the first blog of 2012.

And what a year it promises to be. Olympics in the UK in the summer (I have tickets!), the third European Conference of Aerospace Medicine in November, the wedding of my daughter in June.......and I become President of ESAM. It is difficult to know which of the latter three events is the most scary!!
Thank you for your support in the recent on-line ballot. The voting process generally seemed to work well. It is a great honour to be your President elect.

It should be another exciting year for ESAM, hopefully exciting enough to distract us from the daily gloom about the Eurozone debt crisis, austerity and financial insecurity. There will be an ESAM panel at the AsMA meeting in Atlanta, on the topic of the diabetic pilot requiring insulin. The development of a European Journal for aviation and space medicine, and related topics, is at an embryonic stage. More details on this at a later stage!!!

November sees the third European Conference in Aerospace Medicine at the Sheraton Skyline Hotel near Heathrow. The preparations for this are going well, and we will be calling for scientific papers in April. The theme will be Medicine in the Extreme Environment, and will have sessions on the implications of illness in different aspects aviation, emergency repatriation of passengers and service personnel, and the physiology and human performance in extremes of heat and cold. The conference will culminate in a session on the medical challenges of space travel......perhaps the ultimate extreme environment. There will be presentations of scientific papers and poster presentations throughout the weekend. 'Save the date' now in your diary, PC or Smartphone.
9th 10th and 11th November 2012 or 9,10,11/11/12.

More details will appear on this website over the coming weeks and months, so don't forget to keep an eye on the site. There will also be a dedicated site which will act as a signpost to information about the meeting.

A Happy, Peaceful, and Prosperous New Year to you all.

'Captain' Kevin !!!