ESAM’s Scientific Advisory Board Committee (ABC) was founded in 2007 and is tasked to provide scientific advice on aerospace medical questions to the Executive Committee. It is an independent body within ESAM. During 2023 the ABC consisted of Ries Simons (Chair), Claudia Stern, Olivier Manen, René Maire, Olga Verba, Roland Vermeiren, Jochen Hinkelbein, and Felix Strollo, while Marja Osinga was assigned as new member to provide her medical expertise in the area of General Aviation. During 2024 the board took leave of René Maire. The ABC thanks him for his knowledge, collegial dedication, and the merits that he brought for many years for the Advisory Board. The Board is happy that Norbert Guettler has been willing to replace René and to guarantee the contribution of high-quality cardiological expertise. Because of the recently emerging awareness of the importance of mental health for flight safety, psychiatrist Diederik de Rooy has been assigned to strengthen the ABC team. He has already been active in the aviation community for many years and he was one of the researchers in the MESAFE project.
In 2023/24 several members of the ABC have been engaged in ESAM Academy activities (ESAM Academy Advanced AME Course, guest lectures in Basic and Advanced AME courses). ABC members have been active at the AsMA annual meeting as session chairs and presenters and gave presentations, such as concerning Reduced Crew Operations and Peer Support Programmes.
The Circle of Experts groups embedded in the Advisory Board and led by ABC members have been actively dealing with scientific questions in Ophthalmology, Space Medicine, Cardiology, Mental Health, Human Factors, and Training. Several ABC members are actively involved in EU-funded projects aimed at providing recommendations to EASA concerning Mental Health (MESAFE), and Cardiology (CaVD-PACE). In collaboration with ESAM’s Executive Committee, ABC members have been and are actively engaged in discussions with stakeholders about the aeromedical considerations of reduced crew operations.
In the coming year, the ABC will further promote the expertise potential of the Circle of Experts groups to assist National Authorities and EASA in their scientific issues. Activities starting in 2024 are: elaborating and propagating the MESAFE concept of mental health in aviation safety in collaboration with EAAP; participation in EAAP-ESAM working group developing requirements for Aviation Mental Health Specialists; and establishing a working group on Self-Declaration for medical certification. Where relevant, collaboration with working groups of ICAO, the Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA), and the International Academy of Aerospace Medicine (IAASM) will be sought.
Ries Simons,
Chair Advisory Board Committee