ECAM 2008 Abstracs & Presentations
13-14th November 2008
Dear visitors of the ESAM homepage,
We are happy to announce the preliminary program for the meeting of the European Society of Aerospace Medicine and the draft for the program of the scientific meeting ECAM (European Conference of Aerospace Medicine). If you plan to join Scientific Meeting and the General Assembly please use the reservation form. The organization team under the guidance of Dr. Gabor Hardicsay at Budapest would highly appreciate if you could do your registration before end of September to have more time to make the necessary planning arrangements.
Looking forward seeing you all at Budapest
Hans Pongratz
ECAM Budapest Registration/Reservation Form (PDF)
ECAM Budapest Program (PDF)
Final ECAM Budapest Time Schedule (PDF)
On Saturday Nov 15, 2008 the General Assembly of ESAM and the selection of the new Executive Committee will take place.