Program September 15 to 18
Poster sessions will be in SAGA HALL C both Friday and Saturday 08.30 until 18:00.
ECAM 2016 has been granted 15 European CME credits (ECMEC) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) - according to the principles given by the The European Accreditation Council for CME (EACCME®)
Thursday - 15 September
18:00: Reception. The Conference will open with a reception in the Oslo City Hall by kind invitation of the Mayor of Oslo. This will be followed by a guided tour of the City Hall.
Friday - 16 September
09:00 Opening ceremony: Presidents of ESAM, AsMA and NAAM
Why have a pilot?
The morning session will question whether the human being is always the weak link in a safety management system. Presentations and discussions will discuss the medical and human performance factors related to pilot performance and aviation mishaps.
09:30 - 10:15: Key note: Safety management systems in aviation. : Stein Eric Nodeland, Director General of Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority. Former fighter pilot and Inspector General Norwegian Air Force.
10:15 - 11:00: Presentation of abstracts
10:15-10:30 Is There an Aerospace Medicine Specialist On-Board? – Eilis Boudreau
10:30-10:45 Possible spatial disorientation during a short field landing approach in Northern Norway –J. Sandvik
10:45-11:00 Remote Pilot Aircraft (RPA-UAVs) Medical Requirements – Francisco Rios de Tejeda
11:00 - 11:30: Morning coffee/tea break
11:30 - 12:00: Do we need the lift (elevator)boy? Wim Huson, Master in aeronautical engineering, experienced test pilot.
There are many things that are taken for granted, for example in the past the presence of an attendant in every elevator. This concept will be explored within the context of future pilotless commercial aircraft, and the role of the human being in complex systems.
12:00 - 12:30: UAVs, The solution? Paul Young, MD, Colonel, United States Air Force, Command Surgeon.
This presentation will discuss the practicalities of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles operations in a military setting, and in particular the psychological problems of the remote operator. As commercial aviation considers pilotless aircraft, similar human-based problems must be anticipated and properly considered.
12:30 - 13:00: Panel discussion
13:00-14:00 Lunch
It is too cold outside for angels to fly. Aspects of cold weather aviation.
The title of the presentation is a quotation. The session will cover the challenges of aviation operations in extreme cold. The impact of extreme cold on aircrew health and performance as well as ground support personnel will be considered.14:00- 14:40: Extreme challenges in polar areas, Borge Ousland, world famous explorer and adventurer.
A first-hand account of the challenges to human physiology and psychology of polar exploration.
14:45 -15:15: Presentation abstracts 14:45-15:00 Norwegian NATO winter survival course – Martinsen - RNoAF 15:00-15:15 Can thermography identify subjects under high risk of cold injury? Arne Johan Norheim
15:20-16:00: ''No one is dead until they are warm and dead'. Human thermal physiology. Professor Hein Daanen.
16:00 Afternoon tea break.
16:20-18:20: ESAM General Assembly. Place: Bergmann
16:15 – 19:00 CMO AME training session. Place: Saga Hall A+B
16:30-18:15: Abstract session for those not involved in GA or AME training Place: Auditorium A and B
Abstract session 1 -16:30 to 18:15.
16:30-16:45 Risk stratification and call for declaration of acceptable risks – R. Maire
16:45-17:00 Use of modern cardiovascular risk scoring methods in aeromedical assessment of professional Pilots – H.Bauer
17:00-17:15 Delayed myocardial enhancement in MRI scan: Role in aeromedical decisions – F. Palumbo
17:15-17:30 Cardiac Pacemaker due to Progressive AV-Block – C. Wonhas
17:30-17:45 Increased cerebral blood flow in routine hypobaric training – P. Sherman
17:45-18:00 Loss of axonal integrity following repetitive hypobaric exposure – S. McGuire
18:00-18:15 Management of Atypical Chamber Induced DCS – J. Gentry
Abstract session 2 -16:30 to 18:15
16:30-16:45 Military aviation accidents in Norway from 1946 to 2016: Questioning the see-and-avoid principle – A. Meland
16:45-17:00 Experiences on military pilots physical training – P. Luhtala-Deimel/H. Rintala
17:00-17:15 Prediction of physical fitness of military pilots after 10 years of service in the Finnish Air Force – T. Honkanen
17:15-17:30 Effects of training on flight related transient Low Back Pain among helicopter pilots- K.Andersen
17:30-17:45 General Aviation Pilots over 70 years old: a challenge for AMEs – A. Vuorio
17:45-18:00 Commercial Spaceflight Crew Medical Certification concerning Pneumothorax – V. Modi
18:00-18:15 Mental health of pilots and the current regulatory environment – J. Siedenburg
Friday evening: No pre-arranged events.
Saturday - 17 September
Place: Saga A+B
'Mad, bad or just dangerous to know' Aerospace specialists and mental health.
This session will cover many of the aspects brought to light following the German Wings tragedy in Europe.08:30-08:45 ‘Secrets and lies. Aeromedical Specialists, pilot mental health and confidentiality. Kevin Herbert. President ESAM.
This presentation will review the problems related to the balance between medical confidentiality and public safety that were highlighted in the German Wings enquiry, and consider the methods by which a relationship of trust can exist.
08:45-09:45: Presentation of abstracts.
08:45-09:00 The Pilot-AME Relationship: Developing Trust and Working Alliance Strategies – Trang Dao
09:00-09:15 The role of aeromedical experts in the screening of borderline medico-psychological situations – Olivier Manen
09:15-09:30 Medico-psychological assessment of aircrew members: the role of the psychiatrist and psychologist expert in France- M. Colas
09:30-09:45 Psychoactive substance screening in French aircrew members – J. Monin
09:45 to 10:15. Pilots, doctors and psychologists 'of one mind' The ESAM, ECA,EAAP collaboration. Andre Droog, President European Association of Aviation Psychologists.
This presentation will discuss the unprecedented collaboration between pilot representatives, medical specialists and aviation psychologists
10:15 to 11:00 Presentation of abstracts
10:15-10:30 Psychological evaluation: input for safety – E. Cataman
10:30-10:45 ”Pilot-in-the-Loop” aeromedical decision making – A systematic Norwegian approach. Hedy Ranfelt
10:45-11:00 Guidelines for aeromedical decision making in psychiatry, eg. Depression – F. Weber, GAFCAM
11:00 -11:30: Morning tea coffee break.
11:30- 12:00: 11:30-12:00 ' Does every pilot need a Wingman ' Quay Snyder, MD, Aeromedical Advisor to the Airline Pilots Association
This presentation will review the experience of establishing a pilot peer support programme for pilots.
12:00 -12:30: 'Does every doctor need a wingman' Vivienne Fonne, Senior Advisor Aviation Psychology, Norwegian Armed Forces (RNoAF), Institute of Aviation Medicine.
This presentation will consider the potential benefits of peer support for aeromedical specialists.
12:30--13:00: Panel discussion.
13:00-14:00 Lunch.
Does regulation make a difference in Aerospace Medicine?.
14:00-14:30: : Regulation in the 21st century….and beyond. Speaker: Ansa Jordaan, Chief of the Aviation Medicine Section at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
This presentation will review the challenges and opportunities for aerospace regulation in the future.
14:30-15:45: Presentation of abstracts
14:30-14:45 The German Approach after EUROWINGS – F. Grell
14:45-15:00 Proposal to Implement the AsMA Mental Health Working Group Recommendations: Mental Health Evaluation – L. Van Osdell III
15:00-15:15 A Review of Unannounced Drug and Alcohol testing amongst aircrews - Nomy Ahmed
15:15-15:30 Negative-life events as a screening tool for mental health risks – D. de Rooy
15:30-15:45 Cumulative fatigue among pilots and cabin crew – E. Goffeng
15:45 -16:15 Regulating the 'low risk aviator' the challenge to FAA Class 3. Dr Mike Berry. MD, Deputy Federal Air Surgeon, Office of Aerospace Medicine, FAA
This presentation will review a number of initiatives in the US which challenge the concept of routine medical screening of aviators. The concept of ‘low risk’ will be discussed.
16:15-16:45: Afternoon tea/coffee
16:30-17:00: 16:45-17:15 Different approaches to MH assessment. Dan Danczyk, MD, Fellow in aerospace medicine at Mayo Clinic and board-certified psychiatrist.
The preliminary results of an international survey exploring the approach to mental illness in aviators amongst medical specialists will be presented.
17:15-17:40: Panel discussion.
19:00: Drinks reception.
19:30: Gala dinner. Place: SAGA Hall A - C. With recital, handover of ESAM badge of office.
Dress code. ‘Black tie’, national costume, military uniform or simply ‘dress to impress’
Sunday - 18 September.
Place: Saga Hall A+B
Commercial Space travel. Really?
08:30-09:10 Is it worth the cost? Joan Vernikos, Ph.D, was Director of Life Sciences at NASA Headquarters from 1993 until September, 2000.This presentation will review the potential financial and human cost as mankind embarks upon commercial space travel.
09:15 - 09:45: Presentation of abstracts
09:15-09:30 A marathon in Space: Timothy Peake’s London Marathon on the ISS – F. de Jong, ESA
09:30-09:45 ESA Medical Operations meets Science – K. Rosenquist, ESA
109:45-10:15 Do we have the vision for a mission to Mars.? Claudia Stern, MD, Ophthalmologist, Head of the DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) -Flight Medicine Clinic.
This presentation will review the latest research into visual problems, and other physiological challenges, associated with long duration space travel.
10:15-11:15 Presentation of abstracts.
10:15-10:30 Radiation monitoring for human spaceflight – European current and future activities U. Straube, ESA
10:30-10:45 Arrhythmias in candidate scientist astronauts – E. Seedhouse, Embry-Riddle
10:45-11:00 Bone mass gain in the skull during spaceflight – M. Gallagher
11:00-11:15 Improving medical cosmonauts selection – Y. Voronkov
11:15 - 11:45: Morning coffee/tea break
11:45 - 12:15: 'This year, next year, sometime never' An overview. Ries Simons, MD, Chair of ESAM Advisory Board.
This presentation will cover the history of commercial space travel to date, and the human factors which may be an impediment to it in the future.
12:15 - 12:45 Panel discussion
12:45 -13:00: Conference close. President ESAM/AsMA/NAAM
13:00 - 14:00: Lunch