Abstract Submission Process
All abstracts must be submitted electronically via the congress website
There will be a link to the congress web-site on the site of each partner organisation for submission of abstracts. www.esam.aero and www.asma.org
Abstracts can be submitted from 1 March 2018. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 July 2018.
An abstract must be in English and should be submitted in the following form:
Abstract title, presenting author information, including affiliation and e-mail contact details, and contributing authors’ details.
The abstract should where possible be written in the form of Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Learning Objectives.
The abstract should be limited to no more than 500 words including the title and authors’ details. It should be in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format.
In addition three (3) True/False or Multiple Choice Questions should be included, with the correct answer indicated. These questions will be used to offer US physicians Maintenance of Certification (MOC) credits for participating in the ECAM 2018. The text of questions and answers does not count for the max. allowed 500 words in the abstract.
Financial Disclosure/Conflict of Interests/Ethics
Abstracts must be accompanied by a completed and signed Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form (EACCME form). This is mandatory for accreditation of ECAM 2018 by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education.
Download the form
Scientific presentations are expected to adhere to the highest standards of scientific ethics and include appropriate acknowledgement or reference to scientific and or financial sources. No endorsement of commercial products is permitted and presentations should not contain any visible or audible product endorsement or advertising in any form.
Following acceptance of an abstract for oral presentation, this must be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation.
The abstract may, at the discretion of the Scientific Programme Committee, be published on the ESAM and/or AsMA, and in paper format.
It is the author’s responsibility to obtain all necessary permissions and clearances prior to submission of abstracts. ESAM, AsMA, the Czech Institute of Aviation Medicine, and the Czech Association of Aviation Medicine will not accept any legal or scientific liability or responsibility for the publication of any submitted material.
Acceptance Process
All abstracts will be reviewed by the members of the Scientific Programme Committee. Acceptance, requests for modification or for more information, or outright rejection, will be notified to the presenting author by e-mail following the review process.
Abstracts will be selected for either oral/slide (PowerPoint) presentation or for a poster presentation.
If an abstract is accepted then it is expected that the lead author will present the paper in person at the meeting. A co-author may present the paper, but any other person shall only present with the prior permission of the planning committee. In the case of a poster presentation the author(s) shall prepare a suitable poster for display and be available to discuss the poster with any interested delegate at an appointed time as scheduled by the programme planning committee.
It is hoped that once submitted, an abstract will not be withdrawn but if this is necessary then the request to withdraw the abstract should be made in writing to the Scientific Programme Committee with the reasons for the request to withdraw. Withdrawals received after any publication deadline may still be published in paper or electronic format.