Tag: essi
The European Helicopter Safety Team (EHEST) is a group which cooperates closely with the International Helicopter Safety team (IHST).The goal is to decrease the helicopter accident rate by 80% by the year 2016. EHEST approaches this goal based on voluntary activity within the helicopter sector, by bringing interested parties together and establishing a framework for going forward on the different issues. Two subgroups have been established, the European Helicopter Safety Analysis team (EHSAT) and the European Helicopter Safety Implementation Team (EHSIT) as well as the Communications subgroup.
The ESAM representative to EHEST participates in the plenary meetings of EHEST and reports relevant developments and activities to the Executive Committee of ESAM.
Updated reports and information on EHEST activities are available on the EHEST website:
The current ESAM representative to EHEST is Dr. Anthony S. Wagstaff, Norway. His briefing at the ESAM Executive Committee meeting in Naples February 18, 2012 is available at the following link:
The European Helicopter Safety Team (EHEST) - 2011 Achievements and Plans (PDF)
ESAM has decided to publish information about the ESSI ECAST work on the web site. It is very important to remember the following:
It is important to notice that all the signatory organizations are equal partners, they commit themselves to provide recourses to the work in the Teams and most important: they pledge to take reasonable actions as a result of the work within the ESSI areas! The ECAST ToR was renewed 2011 with many important changes. One is that ECAST will now report directly to the European Aviation Safety Committee (EASAC) which again reports to the EASA Management Board:
ECAST mandate:
“Although ECAST is a voluntary partnership between EASA, other authorities and the aviation industry, it is a key contributor to the development of European Aviation Safety Strategy and the European Aviation Safety Programme and Plan. This role was reinforced by the following mandate issued by the European Aviation Safety Committee (EASAC) which reports to the EASA Management Board:
“ECAST will support implementation in Europe of the European Aviation Safety Strategy developed by the European Commission and of the European Aviation Safety Programme and the European Aviation Safety Plans developed by EASA in cooperation with the Member States and EUROCONTROL”
“ECAST will:
Apply and promote safety management principles. Encourage a culture of ‘open and honest’ reporting by treating all safety data and its sources with respect and confidentiality and by adopting internationally recognised standards of data protection and recording requirements.
Cooperate and coordinate activities with other safety initiatives in Europe and worldwide, such as EUROCONTROL Safety Initiatives, US-CAST and ICAO COSCAP.”
ECAST have members and partners:
“ECAST Members, who have signed the ESSI/ECAST Pledge, and thereby commit themselves to provide human and material resources to the work of ECAST and agree to implement reasonable actions resulting from of ECAST recommendations. [ESAM is a member]
ECAST Partners are those organisations that have not signed the ESSI/ECAST Pledge but wish to support the mission and work of ECAST.”
“We the undersigned therefore agree to: be equal members within the ESSI;
commit to providing, in partnership reasonable resources to ensure that this initiative is effective and take reasonable actions necessary to enhance safety within our own organisations as a result of ESSI recommendations, guidance and solutions in the ESSI area(s) in which we participate (commercial aviation, rotorcraft and/or general aviation). “
At this web site you will find presentations, reports, publications, etc .
The minutes from the ECAST meetings will not be published, but interested persons can contact me and I will forward the minutes to you.
Best regards
Lars Tjensvoll
ESAM representative in the ECAST.
EASA - Annual Safety Review 2010 (PDF) (7.07MB)
ECAST - Terms of Reference 2011 (PDF)
ESSI - Pledge of commitment (PDF)
European Aviation Safety Plan (EASp) 2012-2015 (PDF)
Initiatives for the main accident categories of the EASp - 12 December 2011 (PDF)
The European Strategic Safety Initiative (ESSI) is an aviation safety partnership between EASA, other regulators and the industry. ESSI’s objective is to further enhance safety for citizens in Europe and worldwide through safety analysis, implementation of cost effective action plans, and coordination with other safety initiatives worldwide.
ESSI Standard Presentation 2008 (PDF)
ESSI in line with the ICAO Global 2008 (PDF)